Distracting from worries

Focusing on fun activities that require concentration can help your child to switch off from worries that they can’t do anything about.

Focusing on fun activities that require concentration can help your child to switch off from worries that they can’t do anything about.

Ruby (Practitioner)

The magic praise ratio

Parents, noticing opportunities to praise your child can help foster a supportive and encouraging environment.

Parents, noticing opportunities to praise your child can help foster a supportive and encouraging environment.

Annie (Practitioner)

Open conversations about future goals

What did your parents want you to be when you were a child?

What did your parents want you to be when you were a child?

Emelia (Parent)

Quality over quantity

Caring for a child with additional needs can sometimes make it harder for parents to spend one-to-one time with each child. However, just 10 minutes of focused one-on-one time with your child can satisfy their need for attention much more effectively than 30 minutes of divided attention.

Caring for a child with additional needs can sometimes make it harder for parents to spend one-to-one time with each child. However, just 10 minutes of focused one-on-one time with your child can satisfy their need for attention much more effectively than 30 minutes of divided attention.

Nadine (Parent + practitioner)

Communicating with your newborn

When communicating with your newborn, getting up close helps your baby to watch the movements that you make with your face and connect the different sounds to your facial expressions.

When communicating with your newborn, getting up close helps your baby to watch the movements that you make with your face and connect the different sounds to your facial expressions.

Claire (Parent + practitioner)

Getting better sleep

To celebrate World Sleep Day, we wanted to share some simple tips that can help contribute to a better night’s sleep.

To celebrate World Sleep Day, we wanted to share some simple tips that can help contribute to a better night’s sleep.

Ruby (Practitioner)

Communicating with your teenager

Asking your teenager simple questions such as ‘what would you like to see change?’ can help to keep an open path of communication to understand what they’re really asking for and find a solution that works for everyone.

Asking your teenager simple questions such as ‘what would you like to see change?’ can help to keep an open path of communication to understand what they’re really asking for and find a solution that works for everyone.

Claire (Parent + practitioner)

Navigating through stress

Dads, what helps you when you are feeling stressed?

Dads, what helps you when you are feeling stressed?

Matt (Parent)

What are my child’s anxious expectations?

Identifying your child’s anxious expectations can help you to understand what they need to learn in order to overcome their anxiety.

Identifying your child’s anxious expectations can help you to understand what they need to learn in order to overcome their anxiety.

Ruby (Practitioner)

The power of noticing the positive

Focusing your attention on noticing and praising positive behaviour can help encourage more of it.

Focusing your attention on noticing and praising positive behaviour can help encourage more of it.

Annie (Practitioner)