The worry tree
Using a worry tree can help children to learn how to notice the difference between the worries that they can do something about and the worries that they can’t. Try giving this a go together, starting at the top, and working your way down the tree.
Using a worry tree can help children to learn how to notice the difference between the worries that they can do something about and the worries that they can’t. Try giving this a go together, starting at the top, and working your way down the tree.
Ruby (Practitioner)
My toddlers favourite word is ‘no’
The ‘no stage’ is an important milestone for toddlers. Providing choices, setting clear boundaries, and trying to remain calm can help you to navigate through this phase.
The ‘no stage’ is an important milestone for toddlers. Providing choices, setting clear boundaries, and trying to remain calm can help you to navigate through this phase.
Parent in the community
Say what you want to see
As parents, stating what we don’t want to see can increase anxiety in our children and can also act as a hidden command. Instead, it can help to say what we want to happen as this can more clearly let our children know what we’d like them to do.
As parents, stating what we don’t want to see can increase anxiety in our children and can also act as a hidden command. Instead, it can help to say what we want to happen as this can more clearly let our children know what we’d like them to do.
Annie (Practitioner)
The benefits of listening
Listening to your child helps them feel heard, supports them to process their own emotions, and builds trust in your relationship.
Listening to your child helps them feel heard, supports them to process their own emotions, and builds trust in your relationship.
Annie (Practitioner)
Little Person, Big changes
Parenthood isn’t about having a spotless house or checking off every to-do list item. New parents, give yourself permission to just focus on being present with your baby, and take everything else one step at a time.
Parenthood isn’t about having a spotless house or checking off every to-do list item. New parents, give yourself permission to just focus on being present with your baby, and take everything else one step at a time.
Claire (Parent + practitioner)
“Look at what your age mates can do”
Boost you child’s self-esteem by setting achievable goals, celebrating their unique achievements and embracing any mistakes as learning opportunities.
Boost you child’s self-esteem by setting achievable goals, celebrating their unique achievements and embracing any mistakes as learning opportunities.
Emelia (Parent)
The worry box
For those worries that they can’t do anything about, creating a worry box can give you and your child the opportunity to talk through their worries and can also help to create a little distance between your child and their fears.
For those worries that they can’t do anything about, creating a worry box can give you and your child the opportunity to talk through their worries and can also help to create a little distance between your child and their fears.
Ruby (practitioner)
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