Talking to your child about difficult topics

Talking to your child about difficult topics can feel challenging. Here are some steps that can help support a positive conversation.

Talking to your child about difficult topics can feel challenging. Here are some steps that can help support a positive conversation.

Annie (practitioner)


Parents, here are some tips that can help you get a better night’s sleep.

Parents, here are some tips that can help you get a better night’s sleep.

Annie (practitioner)

Setting Expectations

Setting expectations helps your children know what behaviour is expected of them.

Setting expectations helps your children know what behaviour is expected of them.

Julia (practitioner)


Creating a visual timetable together can help you and your child to feel calmer and more in control of daily routines.

Creating a visual timetable together can help you and your child to feel calmer and more in control of daily routines.

Ruby (practitioner)

Roles and Responsibility

Giving your child responsibilities can help develop skills later on in life. Everyone can help out, no matter what age.

Giving your child responsibilities can help develop skills later on in life. Everyone can help out, no matter what age.

Annie (practitioner)


Rewards are a great way to show your child that you appreciate their positive behaviour.

Rewards are a great way to show your child that you appreciate their positive behaviour.

Annie (practitioner)

Rewards vs consequences

Encourage your child to follow instructions with the use of rewards over consequences.

Encourage your child to follow instructions with the use of rewards over consequences.

Julia (practitioner)

Positive Role Models

Exposing children to positive role models that reflect their background is a great way to help empower and inspire.

Exposing children to positive role models that reflect their background is a great way to help empower and inspire.

Annie (practitioner)

Positive affirmations reminder

Daily positive self-talk can be a great way to improve self-esteem and confidence whilst combating negative thoughts.

Daily positive self-talk can be a great way to improve self-esteem and confidence whilst combating negative thoughts.

Annie (practitioner)

Parental responses to child anxiety

As parents, we often naturally want to shield our kids from distress, sometimes leading to avoiding challenging situations. Whilst this might offer short-term relief, it can limit their growth in facing and overcoming anxieties. Sometimes, supporting them to gradually face their fears can be the best way to help them to develop confidence and coping skills.

As parents, we often naturally want to shield our kids from distress, sometimes leading to avoiding challenging situations. Whilst this might offer short-term relief, it can limit their growth in facing and overcoming anxieties. Sometimes, supporting them to gradually face their fears can be the best way to help them to develop confidence and coping skills.

Ruby (practitioner)